Feb 26 2024

ATT Outage and more

Your eyes and ears on the techscape

ATT Outage

ATT suffered a large outage that seems to have been selective. I have ATT and never lost service, but many people around me did. They claim that this was not the work of cyberattack but was instead a fumble while implementing new policies. I’m going to keep an eye on this one….

iMessage encryption upgrade

Some deals on that new Rig!

I have started to notice that the battery life on my MacBook Air M1 is slowing, that is usually the first thing to go…

Wyze camera leak

Wyze is a security camera maker, they are normally a cheaper camera, but that makes them great for some inside small purpose uses. I looked at one to cast to a screen in my office so I could see the hall while the door was shut, and I was on Zoom. But they recently had a pretty large data leak so you should really be careful with what you save and for how long.

Ok hear me out…

I know that I don’t need this in my life. But if you ever saw the movie “the saint” with Val Kilmer you will know that I come from an era of clunky small computers. This just makes me feel all warm inside. Plus, there is something liberating about a device that is $500 and is basically a typewriter.

I am available for conversations about your IT if you need anything please reach out below.